Amie S.

When I was looking for a personal trainer, my friend told me about the trainer she had hired to help her get into shape for her wedding. She told me that he offered Buddy Sessions where you and a friend can work out together and that he offered a pretty good rate. She invited me to come to a workout with her to see how I liked it.

Well, after that first session I knew it would be worth it so I signed up. After about six sessions I could already see a dramatic difference in the way my core and upper-body looked — specifically my arms and shoulders were looking ripped!

Right around the time I started working out with Larry, I was also able to start running again, so I had a double whammy kick start to my fitness comeback. I had never lifted weights or worked out with a trainer seriously before I started at AMP Fitness and I can honestly say that I have been impressed with the results.

My metabolism is definitely higher and, since I wanted to focus on building strength in my hips and legs for running, I added another day with Larry during the week to focus solely on strengthening those areas. Again, I was more than impressed with the results!

After a little more than a month I could tell that my stamina during running was improved. I also have more strength during longer runs and I’m confident that if I keep this up I’ll be back to where I was before the IT band injury within just a few months!

I love our workouts because we aren’t in a stuffy gym and each workout is a lot of fun!

*Individual weight-loss results may vary.

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