Brittany W.

After injuring my knee three years ago in a marathon and struggling with recovery, I found myself about 30 pounds heavier and mentally I felt weak.

With my outdoor summer wedding looming in three months I felt a resurgence to begin training once again with a visual goal of looking fantastic in my wedding dress. My eventual goal would be to return to marathon form.

I started out slow, working out with Larry Tedor twice a week and then building up to three 60-minute sessions a week. Within two weeks of training I felt energized when I usually would have felt sluggish, and I started noticing changes in my overall shape within the first month.

I started to modify my eating habits and the pounds started to melt off. My wedding came and went and I was so happy and addicted to the changes I was seeing, I’ve kept up my training with Larry and continue to be impressed with how fresh and tough each workout is

Training with Larry is not only helping me loose the extra weight and reach my full potential as an athlete, but my sessions also provide me with a fantastic outlet for the usual rigor and stress of daily life.

I recommend training with Larry to any person who is dedicated to physical and mental health, and is willing to push themselves outside of their usual fitness comfort zones to try new techniques, While they will always be tough, the will more importantly prove to be exponentially rewarding — in the mirror and in the mind.

Thank you very much AMP Fitness!

*Individual weight-loss results may vary.

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